Over the past few years, a number of internet Service Providers (ISPs) have upgraded to 100 Gigabit core networks. Many have found success using Mikrotik on the path to 100Gb core using Layer 2 VPN technology like VPLS. With the proper hardware and design, this...
WEBINAR: Validated MX204 Alternatives: IP Infusion OcNOS
We recently did a webinar on alternatives to Juniper Network's MX204 platform. While the MX204 was a fully capable router it was End Of Life'd and then recently the EOL was revoked after approximately a year. During the period before the end of life revocation...
IP Infusion 6.0: L3VPN and 6VPE interop with Juniper
A while back we published a blog on ip infusion's OcNOS and MikroTik interop with segment routing mpls and LDP. Today we are going to build on the fundamentals learned there to test VPNv4 and VPNv6 interoperability with Juniper. We're going to start with the same...
Networking CLI Rosetta Stone
Changing between network operating systems is one of the most challenging things for new engineers. Most people learned cisco cli due to their extensive training system or got on the job training for whatever their company runs. We are hoping to make moving back and...